Penahanan Tengku Abdul Kadir, Tengku Samsuddin dan Tengku Abdul Mutalib telah menimbulkan kemarahan dan kebencian yang menyeluruh di kalangan orang-orang Melayu di tujuh wilayah, termasuk juga di Semenanjung,terhadap
No event in my recollection had ever aroused such a widespread feeling of anger and sympathy on the arrest of the Rajah of Patani. It is universal throughout the states on the east coast of the peninsula and is even shared by the Malays under our protection.
Pihak berkuasa British di Singapura hanya mengetahui peristiwa itu setelah diberitahu oleh Tengku Petri, Permaisuri Raja Patani, dan Tengku Zainal Abidin, Raja Muda Kelantan, pada awal Mac 1902. Kelewatan ini berlaku kerana pihak
Sebaik saja menerima maklumat itu, Swettenham dengan serta-merta memberitahu Pejabat Tanah Jajahan di London serta mendesak kerajaan British supaya meminta kerajaan Siam membebaskan Tengku Abdul Kadir dan dua orang Raja Melayu lain. Dalam masa yang sama, Swettenham juga menghantar
‘I regret that I was not made aware of this incident during your Majesty’s visit to Singapore, for it makes it difficult for me to render the assistance I am anxious to give to your Majesty’s Government, if such a serious step is taken during the progress of negotiations, and I am not informed of it.
Di London, kejadian itu dipandang serius oleh kerajaan British. Pejabat Tanah Jajahan menganggap tindakan pihak
I think it would injure our cause if we were to begin with drastic measures affecting
Patani - a non-conterminous state while the relations between
state of Kelantan and Terengganu are still to be adjusted.
Tambahnya lagi, tindakan pihak
Tengku Petri, dalam sepucuk Suratnya kepada Swettenham pada 18 Ogos, 1902, telah menyalahkan pihak British dan juga Swettenham di atas penahanan suaminya oleh pihak
Had any change been necessary on the status of the country he would have no objection to the British coming there but he would have fought the Siamese intrusion had he not been advised otherwise by the Governor, and he knew he would have had all the Malay states on his side in the struggle against them. The petitioner now pray that the British Government may give the case their precious consideration and demand the release of the Rajah. With respect to the future of the state the Patanese can further pray that it might be taken once by the British nation and not suffered to remain in Siamese hand.
R.W. Duff juga merayu supaya kerajaan British membebaskan Raja Patani dari tahanan pihak Siam.45 Beliau menyalahkan dirinya dan juga kerajaan British kerana menyebabkan Raja Patani itu ditahan oleh pihak Siam.
Swettenham yang menjadi sasaran pihak yang bersimpati dengan Raja Patani, juga menyatakan perasaan tidak puas hati terhadap sikap kerajaan British mengenai isu Raja Patani. Dalam suratnya kepada Lucas pada
I cannot suppose that HMG desired to enlarge the area of the Siamese Dominions for the benefit of humanity, because of all Eastern people the Siamese are the most contemptible, the most unrealible, the most corrupt. They are cruel and lazy, untrustful, and they are not even courageous. I know the British Government does not want them and that the Malays (or some of them) want us, is of far less importance than the fact that they do not want the Siamese. At this moment our influence in the peninsula is predominant and our prestige is great … The propect for them is gloomy, the feeling of unrest and oppression is great. I keenly hope it will not be forgotten that, knowing what was going on, I told the Rajah of Patani and his friends neither to make nor to allow any trouble. The consequence is that, without striking a blow for himself, he is now a prisoner on some remote spot far up the Menam river, because he declined to sign a document of practical abdication which must have been needless if (as the Siamese contend) his country already belonged to Siam and he was simply and official appointed by the King. Surely some real pressure may be put upon the Siamese Government to compell the King to release this man, and give him and his family enough to leave upon in exile in some part of the peninsula not under Siamese control.’
Pada bulan September, 1902 Swettenham memberitahu pihak berkuasa di London tentang kesediaannya untuk memberikan tempat tinggal kepada Tengku Abdul Kadir di Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu sekiranya pihak Siam membebaskan baginda.Beliau juga memberi jaminan bahawa bekas Raja Patani itu tidak akan di benaran pulang ke Patani selepas dibenarkan tinggal di Negeri-negeri Melayu bersekutu Sungguhpun begitu, cadangan Swettenham tidak dapat diambil tindakan kerana pada masa itu perwakilan British di Bangkok sedang berunding dengan kerajaan Siam mengenai kedudukan Negeri-Negeri Melayu Utara.
Bagaimanapun, setelah termeterainya Perjanjian British-
…We have rather perverted the administration of the …seven Malay Proveince from its true state. It can be said that we have imported but have misused a foreign mode of administration …When the British use this model of administration, they go to advise and supervise rulers whom they treat as the owners of the provinces … We, on the other hand, treat the provinces as ours, which is not true, for the Malays consider the provinces belong to them. When we said we are going to trust them, we do not really do so, but send commissioners and deputy commissioners are then empowered only either to manipulate them as puppets of, if that is not possible, to spy on them and to pass on their secrets. We cannot, however, really protect against anything in this way. I do not think that an administration, which is so full of deviousness, can result in our mutual and peace of mind …’
Sebagai satu usaha ke arah menyelesaikan masalah tidak puas hati penduduk-penduduk tempatan terhadap kerajaan
Pada 5 Mac 1904, Tengku Abdul Kadir telah dibebaskan dari tahanan selepas baginda membuat pengisytiharan bahawa beliau tidak akan lagi melibatkan diri ataupun bergiat dalam politik dan akan patuh kepada kerajaan Siam.(Tej Bunnag 1974, 156) Pada 27 April, 1904, Tengku Abdul Kadir pulang ke Patani dengan kapal ‘S.S Chakrabongse’, selepas ditahan di penjara Pitsanulok selama lebih kurang 27 bulan (Penang Gazette 12 Mac 1904). Kepulangan baginda kali ini bukan lagi sebagai seorang raja tetapi sebagai rakyat biasa. Sungguhpun begitu Tengku Abdul Kadir telah di beri sambutan dengan penuh adat kebesaran raja Melayu oleh rakyat baginda.
Pada masa itu sistem pemerintahan di Patani telahpun berubah. Negeri Patani sendiri telah dicantum dengan negeri-negeri Patani lain yang dikenali sebagai Boriwen Patani dan diletak di bawah tanggungjawab seorang Pesuruhjaya Tinggi
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